Annual report.

Nest box 10.           2007.
Built-in observation box
The nest box northerly
7 eggs
2 young Common Swifts

  Just as last year this nest box is occupied first and at once by 2 birds.
Also this year they are as early as last year, at 25 April. Again this year it is, at the start, not clear what all happened. During the laying of the first 3 eggs there just are hostile take-overs, all 3 eggs are loosed.
After this, they are laying 2 eggs and after 27 days of breading it ends because the eggs didn’t come out.
After this there will be, in contrary to expectations, a new start for a second lying with the result of 2 young Common Swifts.
The whole breading season of this nest box is, also this year, lay down by the detect system.
25-04  06:11 arrival 2 Common Swifts.
02-05  12:26 first egg into the nesting-place.
18:45 1 egg thrown out of the nest box.
03-05  Have a try to take the nesting-place.
04-05  12:27 egg into the nesting-place.
06-05  12:07 two eggs into the nesting-place.
19:28 1 egg thrown out of the nest box and 1 egg is out of the nesting-place.
15-05  1 egg into the nesting-place.
17-05  2 eggs into the nesting-place.
31-05  1 egg is out of the nesting-place.
12-06  The egg that’s outside the nesting-place since 31-05 is thrower out the nest box.
13-06  In the morning the second egg lays outside the nesting-place and in the evening it will be throw out from the nest box.
19-06  1 egg into the nesting-place.
22-06  There are 2 eggs in the nesting-place
09-07  First young Common Swift in the nesting-place.
10-07  Second young Common Swift in the nesting-place.
18-08  22:09 first young Common Swift leaves the nest box.
22:20 second young Common Swift leaves the nest box.
One adult Common Swift doesn't come back in the nest box for the night.
19-08  Second Common Swift doesn't come back to stay the night in the nest box.

■ summery ■