The Eilenbergcolony lies in a neighbourhood which is build from 1960 at the north of Tilburg in the Netherlands. In this neighbourhood is a street with old buildings, a so-called hamlet, were they build new housing estates around from 1975 till now. In these old buildings breed nearly as much common swifts as in the much bigger new housing estates. During 25 year, the common swifts had no chance to expand their nesting grounds. It was generally assumed that by renovation and demolition, many nesting-places in the old part of the neighbourhood were destroyed.
Photo: Numbers nest boxes. Photo: Losser nest boxes 4,5 en 6. Photo: Entrance observation nest boxes 9,10,11 en 12. Photo: Entrance observation nest box 14. |
The intention of the Eilenbergcolony, who is 400 meter as the crow flies from the old buildings, is to give more then enough nesting-places and then wait if a new colony will form.
From the beginning, we observed as much as possible and made logbooks. We also tried to get an opinion how to build up a new colony, with new techniques to follow all the movements.
On the house are 8 places for nesting-places model Losser. 4 are on the east, and 4 on the north front. There are also 5 built-in observation nest boxes.