In 1980 when we moved from downtown Tilburg to the north of the town, I misted the big groups of whistling common swifts during the beautiful summer evenings. Only in the neighbourhood of the Schans and the Leharstreet was a colony. This is an old hamlet they build, from 1960 to 1975, new housing estates. After a couple of years the number of common swifts, were decreasing.
Apus apus. English name, Common Swift. Summer-visitor, April to August. Identification, forages often high in the sky, wings sickle-shaped, flight in turn with rapid beat its wings and long glides. Details, out off the breeding-season he always lives in the sky. His highest quickness is 160 km an hour. Especially complete whistle flight on summer evenings are striking. |
In the spring of 1999, I read an article of Hans Remmen in the newspaper. On behalf of the Common swift Study group Holland, he wants to install a number of boxes in Tilburg, to give nesting-places for common swifts. I have seen lots of common swifts looking for nesting-places in our neighbourhood. When I read the article, I contacted Hans. The result was the attachment of 5 nesting boxes on my house. Moved by Hans enthusiasm and knowing I could do something for common swifts it started.
Photo: Petra Hardmann.