Data analysis; Eilenbergcolony

With the birdwatch program we have collect many quantity of specifications, they are lay down in the logbooks. With these specifications perhaps we can get more clearness about the way of live of the Common Swifts. To make a start right now, I have made the next diagrams.

The base is a diagram in what are processing the number of times that common swifts go into the nest box and the maximum of temperature. Specially to see if there is a relation between the weather and the frequency that common swifts go into their nest box. In the phase of young ones this is an indication how many times the common swifts feed them. The maximum temperature isn't representative of the number of insects in the air. It should be better to have a factor where objects as wind force, rain, average day temperature and kind of air are turn into, with other words become available of feed.

The diagram start with the arrive of the first common swift and ends in the leaving of the last common swift. Also there is a illustration when the eggs are laying, young common swifts are leaving the nest box, related on the breeding phase and the phase of young ones.
Past the graphic there are a number of informative specifications and remarks.


Breeding season
2007 nest box 10 2006 nest box 10 2005 nest box 10 2004 nest box 10 2003 nest box 10 2002 nest box 9

         Nest box 10 2007


Total numbers of income common swifts 1317
Average day temperature 21,9ºC
Earliest clocked out bird  05:13
Latest clocked in bird  22:24

Time young common swifts leave the nest box.
22:09 en 22:20

This year was an extremely long season for nest box 10. If we the growing up phase compares with the breed in 2004, there were also 2 young Common Swifts growing up, it strikes me that there will be less feedings to grow up the young ones. Namely 944 in 2004, now only 737.

■ introduction ■




         Nest box 10 2006


Total numbers of income common swifts 1179
Average day temperature 22,7ºC
Earliest clocked out bird  04:25
Latest clocked in bird  22:36

Time young common swifts leave the nest box.
12:18 and 22:28

The summit of Common Swifts that came in at 3 and 4 May is because a big number of returned Common Swifts are searching for a nesting-place. There is also the fight for a nesting-place of a partner who is coming back very late.
After 14 June we see that the numbers of feeds, by losing one of the young ones, aren’t more numerous for the rest of the season.

■ introduction ■




         Nest box 10 2005


Total numbers of income common swifts 1467
Average day temperature 21,5ºC
Earliest clocked out bird  04:48
Latest clocked in bird  22:39

Time young common swifts leave the nest box.
22:39, 22:33 and 10:43

Also this year, you can see clearly the relation between the maximum temperature and the Common Swifts that's coming in. It strikes me also that the changing turns in the breeding period, during that period they are very constant. The reason of this is probable that in this period there were little searchers and/or hitchers on.
Also this year you can see that, during the days before the young Common Swifts leave the nest box, the feeding turns take off.

■ introduction ■




         Nest box 10 2004


Total numbers of income common swifts 1329
Average day temperature 21ºC
Earliest clocked out bird  04:46
Latest clocked in bird  22:42

Time young common swifts leave the nest box.
22:52 and 10:05

This year it's not clearly to see, by diagram, the relation between maximum temperature and arrived Common Swifts. At specify analysis appears that, at arrived Common Swifts, the summit of 11 and 12 May, and from 19 until 22 June, is cause by bangers. The decrease around 24 June is cause storm and rain.
After 3 years you can see that, the days before the young Common Swifts leave the nest box, the feeding turns clearly are decrease.

■ introduction ■




         Nest box 10 2003


Total numbers of income common swifts 1447
Average day temperature 22,8ºC
Earliest clocked out bird  04:45
Latest clocked in bird  22:50

Time young common swifts leave the nest box.
21:15, 22:54 and 21:35

It strikes me that common swifts have profited optimal of the wonderful summer.
You can also see that after or during lowering of the temperature (the weather is not nice) the frequency of feeding is lower.
Father it strikes me that after the young common swifts have leaving the nest, the nest box is still used for 15 days.

■ introduction ■




         Nest box 9 2002


Total numbers of income common swifts 1177
Average day temperature 20,6ºC
Earliest clocked out bird  04:39
Latest clocked in bird  22:39

Time young common swifts leave the nest box.
21:21, 22:29 and 21:45

The weather go trough a bad between 30 June and 4 July, for common swifts it is a difficult time, especially owing to much rain there is little feed to find for their young ones.
The summit of income birds around 8 May will be cause by 2 common swifts that claimed the nest box. The summit of 21 and 27 May was because they visited or occupied the nearest nest box 10.

■ introduction ■